I'm sure we all recall the Lady Squanda/Skimbo incident video which had the latter kissing and licking the former's feet. One statement from the clip, "Kunge DVD rangu mahwanii" has been made into a song by Beav City and Clady Banks with Mabeatz Eshumba on the production.

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- Cleo
- Clessy
- Clientele Money Ent
- CMEL Awards
- Coax
- Coco Master Zim
- Coded
- COG Beatz
- Cole
- College Central Films
- College Central Music
- Collin Ceezy
- COM3M0
- Comic Pastor
- Controversial
- Cool Dude
- Courtney Antipas
- Covill James
- Cracdolla
- Creative Pot
- credibility
- Crimson Blu
- Croft
- Cronix
- Crooger
- Cruise
- CutFface
- Cutty Beats
- CuttyBeats
- Cymplex
- Cypher
- D-Block
- D.O.C
- D.YungAdonis
- D'Varren
- Da Grapevine
- Da Kid Verse
- Da Real
- Dakid Verse
- Dancehall Keddah
- Dannyboi
- Dark Shades Entertainment
- Darrel
- DaRuler
- Datafae
- Davina Green
- Dawce Wacho
- Deadlyness
- Decarpo Dayz
- Deep In The Burg
- Deez Nutz
- Defined Composition
- Delani Makhalima
- Delroy
- Denim Woods
- Destiny Media
- Dexter Baysiq
- Dhadza D
- diaspora
- Dice
- Digital Ninja
- Dimitri
- Dingo Duke
- Discover Music
- Diss
- dizzy d
- Dizzy Don
- Dj Brackshot
- DJ Chery Ice
- DJ Krimz Beats
- DJ Krimz Beatz
- DJ Langton B
- DJ Mac Breezy
- DJ Mellow T
- DJ Mixes
- DJ Mox
- DJ Mulb
- DJ Naida
- DJ Oil
- DJ Shugeta
- DJ Steers
- DJ Tamuka
- DJ Towers
- DJ Trixxstar
- Djembe Monks
- Dobba Don
- Documentary
- DollaSign Music
- Domane
- Don Cavelle
- Don Don
- Don P
- Don Vito
- Donne
- Dope Society
- Dopsta
- Double Jae Da Lyricist
- Double M
- Dough Major
- download
- Drastick The Authentic
- Dreal Nova
- Drew the MC
- Drissy Parker
- Drop Some More
- Drum Dada
- Druu
- Dubstep
- Duc3
- Dutch
- EcoCash
- Eden Lang
- EL
- EL Deeper
- ElDeeper
- Elevated
- Elf
- Elli-ot
- Elsewhere
- Emitty Smooth
- Empawa
- Emtee
- EnQore
- Enzo Ishall
- EP
- Event
- Ex Mile
- Ex Q
- ExQ
- F.A.R.O
- F.E.A.R
- F.I.O
- Fab Johnson
- Fafi
- Family Bizness
- FancyBeats
- Feature
- Featured
- Female Bhuru
- Femcee
- Few Kings
- Fireman Thug
- First Class
- Fish F McSwagg
- Fish F Ndaramu
- Flabbz Ashton
- Flexxo
- Flick Stizzo
- Fluid
- Foster
- France
- Free Bars Fridays
- Freeman
- Freestyle
- Friday Night
- Frodo
- Ftr
- Fucci
- Fun F
- Fun_f
- G Records
- G-Flinx
- G.I.L
- Gallis Kush
- Ganyaz Jr.
- Garry Mapanzure
- Geek M
- Geeky M
- Ghana
- Gigi LaMayne
- Gimel Gunyana
- Glitch Hop
- Global Records
- Gnik
- God
- God Nations
- Goldfinga
- Goontipy
- Gosh
- Gospel Rap
- Gransunn
- Graphic Designing
- Gray Beats
- Green Blood
- Griff Jones
- Griffin
- Grindtime
- Gt Flykidd
- gTbeats
- GTi
- Guardian Records
- GudNtentionZ
- Gudo Guru
- Guluva Se7en
- Guspy Warrior
- GuuDmuNHu
- Gwagz
- Gweru
- Gze
- Gze vs Noble
- H2O
- Hanna
- Harare Hairarwe
- Herby Dangerous
- Hillzy
- Hit Empire Music
- Hit Music Empire
- Hit Squad Music Group
- Hitman
- Holan
- Hold Your Head
- Holy Ten
- Holy Ten vs Enzo Ishall
- Hope Masike
- Huby Blakes
- Hundare
- I Am Nobodi
- Ibho
- ICT Entertainment
- Icy Murda
- ID3 tags
- iKoNik Musik Group
- IkoNik Muzik Group
- Ill Manner
- Im Fly
- Indigo Saint
- Interview
- Invision Studios
- Inzwa
- Ishan
- Ishy X
- Isis
- iSolomon
- Isuu
- Italist
- Its Bryne
- iTunes
- J Dot
- J Dumza
- J Flo
- J Nova
- J Soldier
- J-Nova
- J. Nova
- J.A.Z
- Jackson de Zimboy
- Jae Mac
- Jae Myk
- Jamal
- Jax
- Jay
- Jay Bone
- Jay Galactik
- Jay Mashaire
- Jayden
- Jdot
- Jermaine Jax
- Jesus Positive Muzik
- Jibilika Dance Festival
- Jiggyman
- Jilly the Black
- Jnr Brown
- Jnr. Brown
- Joel Chiweda
- Jonn The Producer
- JT Voltz
- Jungle Entertainment
- Jungle Fever
- Jungle Kid
- Jungle Loco
- Just Jabba
- Juwela
- K Brizzy
- K. Mane
- Kadoma
- kamzthxpxpe
- Kana Boy
- Kap City
- KapCity
- Kapital K
- Kara
- Karizma
- Karma
- Karville
- Kasia
- Kastique
- Kata
- KayFelo
- KayGee40
- KD Summerz
- Keaitse Film
- Keith Peters
- Kenako Music
- Kevin Munetsi
- Kid Flo
- Kid Kurupt
- Kid Moola
- KiDD Aktive
- Kidd Kunta
- Kikky Badass
- KiNG AkTive
- King Avry
- King Ed
- King John II
- King Kus
- King Marcus
- King Massey
- King Static
- KingKong Beats
- Kingsville
- Kiva Q Kill
- Klasiq
- Kontrol Tribe
- Kornerstone Music Group
- Kosha
- Kosha Management
- Krayzie K
- Krayzie Majik
- Kriss Newtone
- Kritic Igwee
- Kritical
- Kronik
- KSG Di Don
- Kuda K
- Kudah
- Kyla Blac
- Kzee
- LA Josh
- Lady Thug
- Lampy Zkit
- LaToya
- LAVISH Entertainment Group
- Lean Beatz
- Leedy
- LeeKay
- Left Overs
- Legacy Empire
- Lens Blur
- Leoy V
- Letter Z
- Levonte
- Lex Alexander
- Lexxkay
- Lifestyle Entertainment
- Lincoln the Prez
- Lindsay the Dude
- Lirrik
- Listening Session
- Lit Life Media
- Live
- Liyon Media
- Lkat
- Lloyd Soul
- Loud 5
- Loudplate
- Love
- Love & Hip-Hop
- LT The Plug
- Lucasrap$
- Lucqui Se7en
- Luminous
- Luveve
- LV5 Ent
- LyfLyk Films
- Lyre
- Lyric Video
- Lyrical Redesign
- M-Town
- M.U.S.E
- M1
- Mabeatz Eshumba
- MaBornFree
- Made in ZWE
- Maestro IV
- Magamba Network
- Maison roslee
- Majestic Music International
- Major
- Major Playaz
- Malcolm Mufunde
- Mambo Trigga
- MaOBama
- Marcques
- Marcus Mafia
- Mariachi
- Marondera
- Martian
- Marukaz
- Marvin
- MaSimba
- Maskiri
- Masofa Panze
- Masofa Panze 3
- MasofaPanze
- MasofaPanze2
- Massey
- Massiv
- MaStandards
- Masterminds Records
- Masvegas
- Masvingo
- Mau Mau
- Mawiza
- Maye
- MC Chita
- MC Cut
- MC CUT. MC Chita
- MC Silence
- McDie
- Mcknife
- Mclyne Beats
- Mcpotar
- McZee
- Media
- MegaChainz
- Meister
- Mela9 Reign
- Mellow Creme
- Melody
- Mercury
- Metaphysics
- Meyniak
- MH1
- Michael Chiundah
- Micheal Chiunda
- Mile
- Millz
- Miss Kiddy
- Miss Mcayz
- Misty
- Mitch Uta
- MixMasters
- mixtape
- Mixxy
- MK47
- Mlue Jay
- Mo' VIP
- Mobx
- Mode 9
- Mofo Republic
- Monkey Bznz
- Monster
- Morning Glory
- Moto Republik
- Movement Media
- Mr Elders
- Mr Hingis
- Mr Johnson
- Mr Latin
- Mr Nobody
- Mr Noxxa
- Mr Rebel
- Mudiwa
- Mugo
- Mukoma
- Mukukuzvi Media
- Mula Nation
- Munashe
- mUnetsi
- Muqute Music
- Murphy Cubic
- Music Beyond Borders
- Musiclef
- Mutare
- Mwana WaPharoah
- MykePimp
- Myneim
- Mzeen
- Mzoe 7
- N.I.C
- Naboth Rizla
- Nameless
- Narga
- Nash Da King
- Nashe
- NashVerb
- Nasty C
- Natasha Muz
- Nate Havoc
- Nation Music Ent.
- Navy Seal
- Nderemahara
- Ndiri Fly
- Neiko
- Nembo Bwoy
- Nemo Da Nemesis
- Nesto
- NetOne
- New Africa
- New Flags
- New Perspective
- New Rules Entertainment
- New Single
- News
- Ngoma Yarira
- Nial Ainca
- Nib Crouch
- Nick Lane
- Nicom Muza
- Nifty
- Nina Grande
- Nizzy Raps
- No Limits Entertainment
- Noble Stylz
- Noluntu J
- Nutty O
- Nyasha David
- Nyasha Timbe
- O-25
- Obi Davids
- Omry
- On Me
- One Entertainment
- One Nation
- opinion
- Orthodox Six
- Oskid
- Oxzy
- P Mula
- P.O.Y
- P2DaOh
- Panda
- Panic
- Park Moss
- Party
- Passion
- PD the Ghost
- Peekay
- Peeto
- Pepzee
- Petrah
- Phanas
- Phante
- Philly Beats
- Phuture Phil
- Picardo
- Pido Bwoy
- Platinum Prince
- Play by Play
- Plot Mhako
- Pmula
- Pombonoka
- Poptain
- Prayersoul
- Preach
- Press Conference
- Press release
- Pride Roc Records
- Prime Nero 7
- Private Lounge
- ProBeatz
- Prometheus
- Promics
- Promo Single
- Prophecy
- Provokatif
- Q-Rigga
- Qoosh
- Quazor
- Queen Slinx
- Quence.Motion
- Quonfuzed
- R. Peels
- Radioactive
- Radiofien
- Ralph Level
- Rants
- Rap
- Rap Killaz
- Ras Celeb
- Ray
- Raydizz
- Rayo Beats
- RayVines
- RayZeEm
- Real Beatz
- Realone Visuals
- Reap3r
- Rebel TV
- Red Bull Music
- Refilled Records
- Rehab Entertainment
- Release
- Releases
- Reno
- reSpekkT the Art
- Retro Sound Entertainment
- Reverb7
- Review
- Revonok Thundaz
- Rhyme Assassin
- Ride With Us
- Road Block Music
- Robbie Illsicker
- Rocklife Media
- Rodney
- Rodney TG
- Roki
- Roman Rap Studios
- Ronash
- Rootz
- Rough Music
- Royal 80 Records
- Royal Media Group
- Royal Prince
- Royal Records
- Rudo
- Run Jozi
- Run263
- Russo
- RYT Media Group
- S1mba
- S3bastian X
- Sacha
- Sago
- Saint Floew
- Samanyanga Sounds
- Sango ReShumba
- Savage
- Schingy
- Scrip Mula
- Seengy
- Sekutamba Sekuseka
- Serious Crew Records
- Serious DJs
- Services
- Shaku Chante
- Shannel ZW
- Sharky
- ShaSha
- Shayzar
- Sheraine
- Shian
- Shiddoh Brown
- Shingi Mangoma
- Shingirayi
- Shoko Festival
- Showtime Africa
- Showtime Records
- Showtime Records Africa
- Sibo
- Silencio
- Sim Slaiya
- Simba Tags
- Simba Tagz
- Simdoc
- Simz27
- Sinbad90
- Single
- Singles
- Sinte
- Sister Flame
- Six Saturdays
- Skati Sami
- Skido
- Sky City Uno
- Sky Rocket Films
- Slakk Og
- Slasha
- Slick Beezy
- Smylie
- Snazza
- So Nice Records
- Soko Matemai
- Solo Killer
- Sonora Records
- Sony Music Africa
- SOTG Academy
- Soul Afrika
- Soul Jah Love
- Soul T Flow
- Soundboi
- SoundCloud
- South Africa
- Sp3kkSaturdays
- Sp3kkTrumn
- Spaceboy Records
- Spekk Recommends
- SpekkTrumn
- Spinalong Music
- Spit Bar Fridays
- Splits Loui
- State of Art
- Stay Flee Get Lizzy
- Stay Fly Clan
- Stayz
- Step-Aside
- Still Gift
- Street Wise Killaz
- Studio Art Pictures
- Studio Felonies
- Stunner
- Stunnerman
- Stylez-A
- Success
- Suhn
- Swagg Bakers
- Sway Th3rd
- Swayyz Beatz
- Swerve City
- Swisha Gang
- Swiska
- Swoosh Sundays
- synik
- T-Collar
- T.shoC
- T1 WeMa1
- T9yce
- Tabby Kay
- Tafara
- Taffyrover
- Tafinalizer
- Take Fizzo
- Takura
- Tall Racks Records
- Tamba
- Tanto Wavie
- Taps115
- Tash Mwana Wamai
- Tasha
- Tasha Boy
- Tashamiswa
- Tashinga
- Tatea Da MC
- Tatenda LXA
- Tatendanhai
- Tay Beatz
- Tayce
- Taz Da Prince
- Tazzoita Ca$h Records
- Te3vo
- Team Bhoo
- Team Bhoo Boss
- team Jecha
- teamBho
- teamBhoo
- teamREHAB
- Tebza
- Technology
- Teddy Bruckshot
- Teeko
- Tehn Diamond
- TeleCash
- Tellaman
- Terry Kush
- Terry Potter Rain
- Terry Shan
- Texas
- Teysean
- TGonz
- Tha Dawg
- Tha Pro
- Thabbz
- That Travolta Guy
- ThatStonerNexttoYou
- Thawainda Thai
- Thaza
- The Art Department
- The Basement
- The Dawgg
- The Don
- The Fixx
- The Flamerz Entertainment
- The Future
- The Ghost
- The Hip-Hop Catalyst Show
- The Hitmen
- The iKon
- The Mcpotar EP
- The Monkey Nuts
- The Mystry
- The Perfect Tehn
- The Saints
- The Scarecrow
- The Switchboyz
- The Volt
- The White Album
- TheMcpotarEP
- This Flag
- Thundaclap
- Ti Beatz
- Ti Gonzi
- Tiara Baluti
- Tibbly
- Tich
- Tidech
- Tinashe
- Tinashe Makura
- Tinaye
- Tion Wayne
- Tisu Ngoda Dzacho
- Tisu Vaye Vaye
- Tizzy
- Tkae Chidz
- Tman
- To The World
- Tocky Vibes
- Tone Lakeside
- Trace Elements
- Tracklist
- Trae Yung
- TrajeekNation
- Trap C
- Trapboii James
- Trapped
- TrapSu
- Tre Master Chuchu
- Trevor Dongo
- Trey XL
- Tricky J
- Trinnie Beats
- Tru North
- Truth
- Trysongz
- Tulk Munny
- TV Show
- Tvylor
- Two Under
- Two words
- Tylur Ocean
- Typical
- Typical Kings
- Tytan
- Uche Buzzz
- Ulenni
- Uncle Rhymes Records
- Uncle Sam
- Union 5
- Ur Highness
- V Class
- V$G
- Van Choga
- VENGEmuzik
- Verseless
- Very Limited Edition
- Veryus
- Vhedza
- VI League
- VI The Law
- Vic Enlisted
- Vicshaee
- VicTaks
- Video
- Video Shooting
- Videos
- Views
- Vince the Producer
- Viralz Inc
- Vito
- Vitu
- Viva Samson
- VktaEnlisted
- Vlog
- VoeDoo
- Volt Bahgamas
- Volte Face Records
- Vusa Mkhaya
- Wastak
- While You Were Sleeping
- Whitney Cash
- Will-Broad
- Willis Wataffi
- Winky D
- Winners Circle
- WOF Digital Studios
- Word On The Street
- Xndr
- Xristustix
- Yagi Dojo
- Yanalchi
- Yedu Entertainment
- Yiso
- Yohwe
- YouAre
- Young Gamez Entertainment
- Young Nags
- Young Red
- Young Stan
- Youngnash
- Youngswaga
- Yuckmouth
- Yung Adonis
- Yung Tyran
- Yung Zif
- Yungseruno
- YX Famous
- Zaangoma
- Zarzu
- Zee
- Zero Gravity
- ZikuTsotsi Mvmt
- Zim Celebs
- Zim Dancehall
- Zim Drill
- Zim Hip-Hop
- Zim Hip-Hop Awards
- Zim HipHop
- Zim Link
- Zim Rich
- Zim Son Clothing
- Zim Trap
- Zimbabwe
- Zimbiyana Jones
- ZimHipHop
- ZiTsoTsi Movement
- Zubbz
- Zvigaba